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Launchy v.2

launch Launchy

The default keyboard combo to activate the Launchy search window is ALT+SPACE.

quick calculator

Type in an equation and Launchy immediately spits out the result. You can also use brackets in equations like this: 34+27*(5.14/(5/10))

messing around with options

To open Launchy's options window just use ALT+SPACE to bring up the search window then right-click on it. A small menu will appear with options and exit. Take a guess.


The most important feature on this tab is probably the hotkey choice. If you don't like using ALT+SPACE then you can switch it to something like the Windows key+UP arrow. Make sure you don't choose a key combo that is already in use for Windows or another program.


Don't like the look? Change to another. You can download more by going to Launchy's Web site.


This is where you can tell Launchy to look for files or programs to launch. Add a file type to look for or directories to examine. Press the Rescan Catalog button near the bottom-left to cause Launchy to check new directories or look for new file types you've specified.